Saturday, January 31, 2015

If We Don't Buy It....They Won't Make It!

I will change the food on the shelf at the store by not supporting/buying their products anymore.  Why do you think Yoplait took the aspartame out of their light yogurt?  Because sales were down!  If we don't buy it, they won't make it.

We have the power to drive prices of healthy foods down by refusing to purchase junk food.

I know eating healthier is often equated with costing more money, but if you shop smart it will cost less in the long run...after all, how much money is your health worth?  Your health after all, is what you are paying when eating cheaper, unhealthy foods.

I am by no means a health food junkie or "health nut".  I am an average American sick of feeling sick because of the foods I eat.  I am choosing to educate myself to make better choices.  Does that mean I will never eat an Oreo again, probably not, but at least I will know what I am eating and making that choice for myself.

Here are a couple of things I found eye-opening in my journey to educate myself about what is really in the foods I used to buy blindly.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Turning Spending into Earning....The Shopping Annuity

To all of you, some who may have been forced to take an early retirement, or maybe you have taken your social security at 62, or maybe you spend everything you earn. What ever it is, we all seem like we could use some additional income. What if you could turn your spent money into earnings. Well you can, we all can. 

It's possible!  And in fact, with a slight change of habit, you are already doing it. 

As long as you are 18 years of age the Shop.Com Shopping Annuity is the vehicle that can take you where you dream to be. Turn spending money into earning, an inheritable perpetuity.

Email to make a free appointment to complete the Shopping Annuity Workbook to see your earnings!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Healthy, Affordable & Heartwarming...SOUP

The healthy, affordable & most certainly, heartwarming, meal for winter is SOUP!

These recipes from are easy to make and many use canned or frozen vegetables which can save you money compared to fresh produce.

But when you do need fresh ingredients, find a store that will allow you to purchase only what you need, like buying just one leak instead of a bunch.  I have found that this method allows me to purchase higher quality ingredients (organic, no GMO, etc) and still save money because I'm buying smaller quantities.  

And of course, an added benefit to homemade soups is that you control the sodium content and of course there are no preservatives!
